Online coaching, how can it help you?

Over time, different therapies and treatments have emerged aimed at improving the quality of life of neurodivergent folks. In the particular case of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a condition that hinders the ability to concentrate – especially when there’s a lack of motivation – manage time, and organize. ADHD affects millions around the world and is more common than once thought.

For folks with ADHD and other neurodivergent disorders, online coaching can help. It is a powerful tool that offers personalized support and effective strategies that can be worked on without having to leave home.

 The benefits of online coaching for folks with ADHD

Building on the above, online coaching offers an accessible, comfortable, and flexible environment that can be very beneficial for folks with ADHD. Some of the main advantages of this modality are:

- Flexibility: People with ADHD often have complex schedules and may struggle to commit to regular in-person sessions. For this reason, online coaching allows you to schedule sessions at more convenient times and make meetings more flexible, all of which facilitates continuity.

- Personalization: For ADHD, online coaching focuses on providing personalized strategies that are tailored to the coachee’s unique needs.

- Ongoing support: Understanding that ADHD can make it difficult to stay motivated and follow a long-term plan, online coaches provide ongoing support and a constant source of accompaniment, accountability, and motivation. Regular sessions allow close monitoring of the coachee's progress by relying on digital tools such as video calls, messages, etc.

How does online coaching work?

Now that we've seen the main benefits of online coaching, let’s dig a little deeper into how it works. It begins with an intake session in which both the client and the coach discuss what the main goals and challenges of the coaching plan are. This evaluation can be easily carried out through a video call in which the coach asks detailed questions to better understand the needs of the person. 

At this point, the most common steps of online coaching are:

1. Setting goals

Once the intake has been carried out, the next step is to establish goals that are clear and achievable. That is, identify and define your desired outcomes and look for objectives that can be achieved in manageable steps. With specialized coaching, it is necessary to understand how ADHD can hinder the achievement of the identified goals.

2. Develop strategies

With goals in place, the coach and client work together to develop personalized strategies. Sustainable strategies can include creating daily routines, implementing self-care techniques, using digital organization tools, etc. 

3. Adjustments in the process

Online coaching is a dynamic and ever-evolving process. The coach and coachee should track their progress and adjust as needed. Regular sessions offer the opportunity to evaluate what’s working well and what needs tweaking. This adaptive approach addresses the changing nature of conditions such as ADHD and their effects on people's everyday lives. 

The impact of online coaching on folks with ADHD

Finally, let’s talk about how online coaching can positively impact the quality of life of folks with ADHD. While each person is unique and each approach is tailor-made, there are several common benefits of online ADHD coaching:

Improved organizational skills

It's common for folks with ADHD to have difficulty with organization and time management. An online coach can provide tools and techniques to improve in these areas, which can lead to greater productivity and, therefore, less stress. It's about learning how to prioritize tasks, set reminders, and feel authentic accountability and motivation, among other things.

Increased self-esteem

We know that ADHD can negatively impact confidence and self-esteem. Online coaching can help highlight strengths and develop a more positive attitude towards challenges. Success in achieving the goals established can substantially improve self-acceptance.

Stress reduction

Finally, stress and emotional dysregulation are very common experiences in the ADHD community. For this reason, online coaching can offer mitigation strategies and can help promote greater general well-being in the coachee. Depending on the case, this can include anything from relaxation techniques to mindfulness exercises or the development of targeted coping skills.

The Importance of Inclusion in ADHD