ADHD Productivity Tools

Woman working with a tablet with officemates behind her

Boost Your Productivity with ADHD-Friendly Tools

Struggling to stay organized or manage your time? These ADHD productivity tools are designed to help you conquer distractions and stay on track. From task management apps to focus aids, find the right tools that work for your unique brain. Plus, when you use our links to purchase, you’re supporting this community—thank you!

Visual timers

I swear by visual timers for getting stuff done, especially if you've got a brain that works a little differently. You know how sometimes looking at a clock just doesn't cut it? That's where these bad boys come in handy.

Picture this: instead of staring at boring numbers ticking away, you've got this cool visual that shows time slipping by. It's perfect for folks like me who struggle to wrap their heads around time. I mean, how many times have you thought "I'll just do this real quick" and suddenly an hour's gone?

These timers are like a kick in the pants. You can actually see the time running out, which lights a fire under you to focus and get moving. Plus, it takes away some of that time-related stress. Breaking big tasks into chunks suddenly feels way more doable when you can see the time right in front of you.

Our brains aren't always great at judging time or getting started on tasks. But watching that visual timer do its thing? It's like having a personal coach keeping you on track. You'll find yourself powering through work and feeling way more in control of your day.  My kids have their own, I've got mine – which comes in really handy when I've got food in the oven or on the stove or when I'm giving lectures and presentations – and I even got one for my daughter's first-grade classroom. 

There are different colors – in case red ups your anxiety – brands, sizes, and price points, so there's sure to be a great choice for you.

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I want to share some tools that have really helped keep me, my clients, and my family organized. First up, let's talk digital. I'm all about Google Calendars and Tasks, or if you're an Apple fan, the Reminders app. These tools sync across all your devices, so you're never out of the loop. Whether you're crushing it at work or hitting the books, these will keep you on point.

While writing can prove to be a challenge for neurodivergent folks, studies have demonstrated that the precise hand movements involved in handwriting contribute to brain connectivity patterns that promote learning. 

So, with that in mind, let's explore planners. Have you heard of the Order Out of Chaos Academic-Year Planners? They're not just any old planners - they're the real deal. My kid uses one in middle school, and let me tell you, it's been a lifesaver.

Here's why I'm a fan:

  1. It's got this cool layout where you can see all your assignments right next to your activities. No more forgetting that big project!
  2. There's this genius subject tab system. You only have to write down your subjects once - how cool is that? It's perfect for kids who might forget things easily or get frustrated with repetitive tasks.
  3. It runs from July 2024 to June 2025, so it's perfect for the whole school year and then some.
  4. It's great for all kinds of students - from elementary kiddos all the way up to college students. And if your child has ADHD or a learning disability? This planner's got their back.

I mention it won the 2023 National Calendar Award for Best Student Calendar? Thousands of schools and families swear by it.  

Look, I wouldn't recommend this if I didn't believe in it 100%. We're all about helping your student crush it academically. Give it a try - I bet you'll love it as much as we do!

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At this time, it's not available in Spanish, but Spanish customers who wish to use it in English can order from the U.S. links above.

Since work-from-home began, I've been using this wonderful tool called It's helped me more than just about any other productivity tool, and I think it could be helpful for you too, especially if you're neurodivergent like me.

So, what's the deal with Well, these folks have figured out how to make music that actually helps your brain do its thing better. They started out just focusing on helping people concentrate, but now they've got tunes for everything - relaxing, sleeping, and even meditating. And the best part? They get that not all brains work the same way, which is huge for us ADHD folks.

Here's what makes so cool: they're not just throwing random beats at you. They've got this algorithm that creates music specifically designed to get your brain in the flow zone. It's got these subtle rhythmic pulses that help you stay focused without even realizing it. And let me tell you, when you've got ADHD and staying on task feels like herding cats, this is a lifesaver.

They've done their homework too. We're talking brain scans, EEGs, the whole nine yards. They've actually shown how their tunes can optimize those brainwave frequencies that help us focus. For those of us with ADHD who struggle to keep our attention on track, this is huge.

Oh, and get this - you can actually customize how intense you want the effect to be. They even suggest cranking it up a bit if you've got ADHD. It's like they're speaking our language, right?

Whether you need to buckle down and focus, unwind after a long day, catch some quality sleep, or just clear your mind,'s got you covered. It's not just background noise or those weird binaural beats - this is the real deal, scientifically designed to work with your brain's natural rhythms.

Give it a shot. I bet you'll be amazed at how much more you can get done when your brain's got its own personal soundtrack!

​Click here to try it out for 30 days for free! Then, you can subscribe to unlimited access to for a full year for 69.99 USD.

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